MIT Dormphone - II The Early Years In many ways, the M.I.T. Dormitory Telephone System (“Dormphone”) originated in the Electrical Engineering ... Fall 1960 When I was a freshman in the Fall of 1960, Burton/Connor had Institute extensions in the dormitory corridors, ... Fall 1961 By the Fall of 1961, Burton/Connor rooms had telephones served from switching equipment in the basement ... Summer 1962 At some time prior to that summer, dial telephones were installed in the Ashdown rooms. Ashdown had once ... Summer 1963 During early 1963 and into the summer, the switching equipment in the Walker basement (see photo at left) ... The 1970's and 1980's In many ways, these years were the "Golden Age" of Dormphone. The small switching system located in Baker ... EQUIPMENT - Batteries Ashdown was originally equipped with large storage batteries in glass cases. Each battery was 2.15 volts ... EQUIPMENT - Battery Chargers My recollection is that Baker had a small wall-mounted charging unit with two tungar rectifier tubes. ... EQUIPMENT - Switches Dormphone was entirely a Strowger or Step-by-Step system. The calling party was connected to the switching ... EQUIPMENT - Test Desk and The End The Dormphone equipment included a test desk from which you could access any telephone line, whether ... |